Reading Lists
Jul 30, 2023 09:22 AM
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Topic Based Reading List

Design Thinking

  • Creative Confidence - Tom Kelly, David M. Kelly
    • This book is written by the co-founders of IDEO and Stanford It helps you to embrace design thinking process and how can you influence others (and create teams) with creative confidence. This book surely has a soul and should take into consideration
  • How to Design Your Life
    • This book takes design thinking approach and show you how can design thinking be helpful while designing your life. Some key ideas I brought from this book. Prototyping career paths is are essential. Just diving into a field and being professional about it is dangerous. So I tried to create some prototype experience about some fields. Other key idea is networking. Meeting with people in your interested area is a must. With being in the right place it is more likely to find good opportunities.
  • The Art of Innovation
    • It has solid examples about design thinking and how IDEO works. From examples from P&G to Apple you can embrace the way how innovation works.

Influential Books

  • Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman
    • This book is a autobiography of Richard P. Feynman. In high school years this book take my attention to physics and create a passion about science. Also I like the stories from first hand.
What I read